About Me

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Sometimes it is of the utmost importance to be completely honest with who you are, be it a psychotic weirdo or a boring bookworm. This is me, being both.

Monday 19 April 2010


Somethings changed (-_-) ... not quite the same, ('_') I want someone to blame ¬_¬

Too insync too alike, are we twins or something to fight. ()_()
()_() .thgif ot gnithemos ro sniwt ew era ,ekila oot cnysni ooT

Help me tonight, cause I feel. My. Lungs. Tighten.

Cant.Seem.To.Breathe. TheWorldsTryingToSwallowMe.

Sorry if I seem a bit (*&^%$£MENTAL£$%^&*), my hearts a bit .p.e.n.e.t.r.a.b.l.e.

Dont turn off the light...
...you cant see in the dark...
And when you can't see...????...Your judgement is questionable????

Perhaps being blind and ignorant is better... -_-
you can't get hurt that way *_* or phased...

The world is turning but my world isn't changing. Never ageing.

My brain is functioning very S L O W L Y

Maybe sleep will bring the comfort I seek...

or only thoughts of him e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e
Assylum- Safe place
Under my bed perhaps.

Im feeling creative. Maybe no sleep .
Just get out my sketch pad. and draw lines -----------------------
or... Pretty things like butterflies .........-o-

My fingers only give me one creation each day.

sleep tight and safe under your warm covers...

/ \

an angel will watch above you...
Keep you safe from horrors of p-a-s-t and keep you close to the


Night night
Watch the stars so far up... ***

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