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Sometimes it is of the utmost importance to be completely honest with who you are, be it a psychotic weirdo or a boring bookworm. This is me, being both.

Thursday 29 April 2010

Kelly Clarkson - Walk Away Lyrics

Kelly Clarkson - Walk Away Lyrics:
"You've got your mother and your brother, every other
Under cover telling you what to say
You think I'm stupid
But the truth is, that it's Cupid
Baby, loving you has made me this way

So before you point your finger
Get your hands off of my trigger
You need to know this situations getting old
And now the more you talk, the less I can take

I'm looking for attention
Not another question
Should you stay or should you go
Well, if you don't have the answer
Why you still standing here
Just walk away

I waited here for you like a kid waiting after school
So tell me how come you never showed
I gave you everything and never asked for anything
And look at me, I'm all alone
So before you start defending, baby
Stop all your pretending

I know you know I know
So what's the point in being so,
'Let's get this show on the road today'

I'm looking for attention
Not another question
Should you stay or should you go
Well, if you don't have the answer
Why you still standing here
Just walk away

I want a love
I want a fire
To feel the burn
My desires
I want a man by my side
Not a boy who runs and hides
Are you going to fight for me
Die for me
Live and breathe for me
Do you care for me
Cause if you don't then just leave

I'm looking for attention
Not another question
Should you stay or should you go
Well, if you don't have the answer
Why you still standing here
Just walk away"

Tuesday 27 April 2010

I forgot to ask about the person I would run to...

I'm not a robot you can just controll.
I will not be who you MAKE me.
Don't tell me what to feel because I will go the other way.
I should love you but I want to hate you.
Go away.
Dont tell him to not love me.
I want to love him. Your time has been.
I just want to know if you'd remember me- On my birthday.
I doubt you would remember me.
I'm just the girl you were going out with.
I'm going to end up with no one.
Your going to chase him away.
Then you'll think something stupid like I was happy he was gone.
I would NEVER be happy if he left me.
I have no idea what he feels about me right now.
You just left.
I'm in such a turmoil.
You just left.
You left everyone to clean up your mess.
I refuse to be trapped under your thumb.
Do not even DARE to make me your puppet.
I asked you if you'd hurt me if I ran to someone else.

I forgot to ask about the person I would run to...

I'm sorry for getting you into this.
Your the last person I would EVER drag into this.
You mean so much to me.
I'm so sorry.
You can trick everyone into thinking you dont like me.
Please dont trick yourself.
Trick anyone else just dont fall for it.

*he appears at my door*

Nice hugs. Must we always run away from each other ??


NATASHA BEDINGFIELD - Soulmate Lyrics: "Natasha Bedingfield - Soulmate Lyrics

Incompatible, it don't matter though
'Cause someone's bound to hear my cry
Speak out if you do, you're not easy to find

Is it possible Mr. Lovable is already in my life?
Right in front of me
or maybe you're in disguise

Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
If there's a soulmate for everyone

Here we are again, circles never end
How do I find the perfect fit?
There's enough for everyone
But I'm still waiting in line

Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
If there's a soulmate for everyone
If there's a soulmate for everyone

Most relationships seem so transitory
They're all good but not the permanent one

Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Oh, somebody tell me why I'm on my own
If there's a soulmate for everyone

Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
If there's a soulmate for everyone
If there's a soulmate for everyone"

No. Just no.

I thought about sharing a story with you who read my blog.
Ive just decided to think better of it and not actually write it down.
It was going to be funny but extremely embarrassing to me if a guy were to read it...
So no. Just not gonna put it up anymore.
Now I have nothing to say.

P.s MLIA told me its illegal to publicly say your going to take over the world.
I made my dad read it and he said "must be an American thing"
Sounds like he tried it perhaps ??

Monday 26 April 2010

Scouting For Girls - She's So Lovely Lyrics

Scouting For Girls - She's So Lovely Lyrics:
"I love the way she fills her clothes.
She looks just like them girls in vogue.
I love the way she plays it cool.
I think that she is beautiful.

She's so lovely
She's so lovely
She's so lovely
She's so lovely

She's Pretty, a fitty
She's got a boyfriend though and thats a pitty.
She's flirty so flirty
And that kind of girl thats really dirty.

I don't know
I don't know
I don't know
How we'll make it through this.
I don't know
I don't know
I don't know

I love the way she bites her lip
I love the way she shakes them hips.
I love the way she makes me drool.
I think that she is beautiful.

She's so lovely
She's so lovely
She's so lovely
She's so lovely

A stunner, I want her
Was she this fit when she was 10 years younger?
Come see me discreatly.
She says shes got a trick or two to teach me.

I don't know
I don't know
I don't know
How we'll make it through this. x3
I don't know
I don't know
I don't know

I think that you are lovely
x 7
I think that you are beautiful.

She's so lovely
She's so lovely
She's so lovely
She's so lovely

I don't know
I don't know
I don't know
How we'll make it through this. x5
I don't know
I don't know
I don't know"

Carry out

I may need to be carried out... In a gurney... like the person in my dream... soo nervous...

Saturday 24 April 2010

bang bang bang on the wall from dusk to dawn...

I got attacked today. By the unlikely man of sorts.
Yesterday I run into a door. Today I run into a flying peice of lead.
I can make people explode. How you may ask ? Well I dont advise asking.
Im freaking out- I blame my BFF.
I wasn't freaking out before but now I am. Grrr her.

Friday 23 April 2010

Whats a girl to think ?

I think Im falling for HIM. Oh dear.
Well at least he's cuddly...

Surely that should hurt ?

He keeps getting me to smile... Its lovely that he cares enough to but... I dont feel like smiling.
I feel like sulking. Cause I was busy working on drawing his dragon and burnt Hitler and myself on a rock beside a Dragon, that I didnt go on facebook...
I ask my BFF to come round and help me glue things to the piece of paper (WHICH HE LEFT BEHIND ='( How ruuddee )
Anyways, she came along, the doorbell went and I ran for the door... and into it...
I have a purple bruise now appearing and its only been 3 or so hours...
Anyways... I let her in and she hugs me for a little while and Im like "are you okay?"
and shes like "Im fine, how are YOU doing since I heard about you and ....?"
"What happened between me and him?"
"your not going out anymore"
"no one told me!!"
"oh... well he did say that it was an accident..."
But what Im thinking is... How can you accidentally break up with someone?
and I wish people would stop asking how I am.
Im fine- It should hurt but it doesnt. At ALL.
Well... maybe a little bit but after all everyone found out WAAYY before I did !!
He sent me an email saying he doesnt love me... Next blog methinks...

Thursday 22 April 2010

I am not mud that you can walk all over.

She/He said WHAT ?? ='O
Don't you just HATE it when people are trusted with certain things in life and they just BETRAY you to their friends.
Don't you dare even talk to me.
I do not really feel like crying buckets for YOU.
You make me fume.

Forgoodnessake GET OVER YOURSELF and GROW UP.
Im over it. Im over it. IM. OVER. IT.
Your horrible. Truly horrible. Leave me the hell alone.
Dont start your stupid rumours about us/me.
Dont tell people Im sending you hateful texts- Im not.
"you should be a true friend to her"
If thats how your gonna play it, be a true friend to me just ONCE. JUST ONCE-thats all I ask.
Why dont you swallow the rubbish you come out with.
See how you believe it then.
If your gonna be nice and kind and CLEVER JUST THIS ONCE I will let you speak to me. But I swear, you dont cut this kind of rubbish out I WILL throat punch you.
And Dont send anyone to tell me Im being a cow. Again.
You know how rubbish *she* is at keeping secrets.
You knew she'd tell me. She called me as soon as I got home about the secret YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME AS A GOOD FRIEND WOULD HAVE DONE.
But nnoooo. You couldnt have made me hurt just a little LESS.
Im really hurt by you and your stupid attention seeking games.
You dont treat anyone like they are actually living breathing emotional human beings. We are not mud you can walk all over.
Do us a favour and dont return- life is less bitchy without you.
No one ended up crying today and you werent there.

As for you Mr. What are you doing telling people what I told you in STRICT confidence??
I told you not to tell anyone- so you tell the one person with a mouth like a toilet. If he gets backed up with anything else you tell him- he will flood and tell everyone in the place we call EARTH. Dont be an idiot.
Think about how much this will hurt me if everyone knows. I dont have a clue what this is but its confusing and your not giving me any chance to think things through. For goodnesssake if you dont stop telling people stuff you will lose every chance of moving forwards.
But PLEASE just keep it between us for now and keep your MOUTH SHUT. This could not be worth telling anyone now. Nothing has happened and the way your going you will get more than a burned man on paper.

Excuse me. My puppy is sitting in his litter box wanting to go to sleep. He has the right idea. You've (plural) made me hurt and I need to think things through. GOODBYE.

Wednesday 21 April 2010

"No excuses, don't ask why, its just a break down happens all the time, get out of my face don't even try..."

I like listening to Ashlee Simpson.
She has some awesome tracks on her cds... which Im proud to own...


Apparently if Im talking to someone I dont usually shut up.
I do.
I stare blankly into space until something about the thing that Im thinking about changes.


I hate it when you think you might fall for someone... when your with someone. I enjoy not being cyber-stalked.
-People need to stop being super attractive.


I dont feel brilliantly... Not today. Not right now.
I feel like vom-ing.
I feel rather depressive right now.
Im depressing HIM.
Mr I-am-friends-with-the-scary-goth-chicks.
oh dear.


I love MLIA... and such.
Im such a freak sometimes.
I worry myself.
ooooohhhhhhhhhh dddeeeeaaaarrrrrsssss
perhaps its cause Im so shmexy... ugh... or not...


I dislike homework and relationships that suck with a angry passion.
Good day.

Tuesday 20 April 2010

"But its so beautiful" "Don't do it!! You'll die" *Zap*

Having a weird conversation with an unlike man of sorts.
I believe I may have found a compadre for hardships.
That or Im a little weird after beer...

Im talking to the unlikely man of sorts about none other than my guy.
About his flaws and our relationship flaws
- his relationships with scary people and girls.
- I think he feels less than he says.

Anyways this guy seems to be genuinly concerned about me...
Methinks I shall keep him around =)

Go hug a tree

Im just doing my art and I get a phone call...
From my ex friends grandpa... asking if she is with me.
Shes not. I tell him that.
I get asked for other people's numbers.
She could be anywhere.
She could of run away.
Shes been a cow to me but Im the one whos supposed to raise my head above it all.
I refuse to be the bigger person yet.
I refuse.
Even if shes not home within the next hour, I refuse to be walked all over.


we were talking.
Like we always do.
He goes to me and tells me to add a group... on facebook.
I ask what its about...

I had just said that I miss him like crazy...............
I expected him to say SOMETHING like that

-well he did but then he said about the facebook group and I expected it to have something about me... not... the sovriet union... and breakfast.
Ugh !!

I got annoyed.

In the flanks of death you will find him

I have work to do.
Lots of depressing work so Im gonna do something maybe helpful about it....
The translation is of the above words in yellow :)

Catullus, Poem 5

Vivamus mea Lesbia, Atque amemus,

Live my Lesbia, And love,
rumoresque senum severiorum

Rumours and olf men rather strict
omnes unius aestimemus assis!

all one value as
soles occidere et redire possunt:

suns set/fall and rise can again
nobis cum semel occidit brevis lux,

us when at last sets short light
nox est perpetua una dormienda.

night everlasting one must be slept through.
da mi basia mille, deinde centum,

give me kisses thousand then hundred
dein mille altera, dein secunda centum,

then yet thousand other then second hundred
deinde usque altera mille, deinde centum.

then yet other thousand, then hundred.
dein, cum milia multa fecerimus,

then, when thousand many make,
conturbabimus illa, ne sciamus,

mix up them, not know,
aut ne quis malus invidere possit,
or not someone evil to be jealous can

cum tantum sciat esse basiorum.
when so many know there are kisses

Let us live, my Lesbia, and let us love,
and let us value all the rumours of
rather strict old men at one as! (as is a penny)

Suns can set and rise again:
when at last our short light sets,
one everlasting night must be slept through.

Give me a thousand kisses, then a hundred,
then another thousand, then a second hundred,
then yet another thousand, then a hundred.

Then when we have made to many thousands (of kisses)
we will mix them up, so that we dont know,
or so that someone evil is not able to be jealous,
when he knows there are so many kisses.

Aaww what a romantic. xXx

Monday 19 April 2010


Somethings changed (-_-) ... not quite the same, ('_') I want someone to blame ¬_¬

Too insync too alike, are we twins or something to fight. ()_()
()_() .thgif ot gnithemos ro sniwt ew era ,ekila oot cnysni ooT

Help me tonight, cause I feel. My. Lungs. Tighten.

Cant.Seem.To.Breathe. TheWorldsTryingToSwallowMe.

Sorry if I seem a bit (*&^%$£MENTAL£$%^&*), my hearts a bit .p.e.n.e.t.r.a.b.l.e.

Dont turn off the light...
...you cant see in the dark...
And when you can't see...????...Your judgement is questionable????

Perhaps being blind and ignorant is better... -_-
you can't get hurt that way *_* or phased...

The world is turning but my world isn't changing. Never ageing.

My brain is functioning very S L O W L Y

Maybe sleep will bring the comfort I seek...

or only thoughts of him e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e
Assylum- Safe place
Under my bed perhaps.

Im feeling creative. Maybe no sleep .
Just get out my sketch pad. and draw lines -----------------------
or... Pretty things like butterflies .........-o-

My fingers only give me one creation each day.

sleep tight and safe under your warm covers...

/ \

an angel will watch above you...
Keep you safe from horrors of p-a-s-t and keep you close to the


Night night
Watch the stars so far up... ***

Playlist no. 1

"...Your face is pasty, 'cause you've gone and got so wasted, what a surprise, dont want to look at your face cause its making me sick..." Foundations- Kate Nash

"Oh its not fair and its really not okay, its really not okay, its really not okay..." Not Fair- Lilly Allen

"Your nothing but a womanizer. Maybe if we both lived in a different world, it would be all good and maybe I could be your girl. But I cant 'cause we don't." Womanizer- Britney Spears

"I'd like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly. Its hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when Im asleep, because my dreams are bursting at the seams" Fireflies- Owl City

"Late night, waiting by the phone, tonight waiting for an answer, heart beat drumming double time, I need one more chance to be near you, still hanging on for what cant help opperate, fired up, wont eat and I wont sleep for you, yeahhhhh, wont rest till I get through, cause Im holding out for you am I the only one whos insane?" My Delirium- Ladyhawke

"Hotter than heaven and sweeter than hell" Drumming song- Florence and the machine

"Im vulnerable, Im vulnerable, I am not a robot. Your lovable." I am not a robot- Marina and the diamonds

"I could be chasing but my time would be wasting, they got nothing on you..." Nothin' on you- B.o.B

"In the morning air, london's sunrise. Everything becomes so clear. I think you are beautiful." Just One Second- London Elektricity

"Looking around, everything I see, it seems to lose its colour, Don't know whats become of me, barely alive, how did I survive, one day just like the other, I'm sick of this routine" Machine- Marie Digby

"I was standing there with those open arms..." I'm not mad- Alex Gardner

"Really dont like your point of view, you'll never change... bring out the best in me... satisfy my needs... you'll wind up next to me" Skinny Genes- Eliza Doolittle

"You think you can get away with it... There will be no one left... it was your dream to be like us..." Rock Star- N.E.R.D.

"I was just frontin', you know I want'cha..." Frontin'- Pharrell Williams feat Jay-Z

"Trying to keep my eyes closed, Trying to keep it like it was before, the times we never even thought to speak, I don't wanna tell you what it is... Got me thinking just too much... Memories just keep ringing bells" 1 Thing- Amerie

"Wait a minute, hey, Said baby, I love the way you hold me, and you touch me like you know me, see I dont want no body else..." Take Control- Amerie

and now just gonna listen to some of them again =)

Your shiny and new. He's just playing you.

I wish I was back in the circle of mountains and I could lie on the floor and watch pretty moon in the sky during the day. But Im not there anymore so...
I dont know if this is normal or because I only ate a small muffin and a pack of pom bears yesterday but I feel like vomming... Normal people don't WANT to throw up??

*after about 20 or so minutes*

I forgot to publish this post and went away and had lunch and remembered and have come back.
I will go again but I had to say this: Russell Howard's good news... THATS HILARIOUS !!
well he's insulting the royal family but...
"I bet Phillips in the back saying "I've got fuzzy wuzzy!! Look I've got fuzzy wuzzy. I've got Fuzzy Wuzzy!! What have you got Harry??"
"Ive got gangular" "but the letters aren't there!! The letters aren't there!!" "No Im just saying Ive got gangular" "eeee easy off ginge the grand nationals are on"

Russell Howard rocks my socks... my...cotton socks ;P
ahahahaaa may write more quotes later... just cause he cracks me up on live television ;P

Saturday 17 April 2010

Shot gun

Firstly- Hi
Secondly- I would smile but my facepack will crack...
Thirdly- Staring blankly at a computer screen is not advised.
Fourthly- I like full stops.
Fifthly- Is that how you spell it ?? eeerrrr is a good noise
Sixthly- I dont know if I should've made the above one, two...
Seventhly- I'm with a friend- She says hi... (she thinks Im mental...)
Eighthly- My friend is mental too
Ninethly- I have a boyfriend who gets along with me BECAUSE Im a little cooky
Tenthly- You can't trust someone who thinks your crazy...
Eleventhly- Does that mean my BF/BFF cant trust me or likewise ??
Twelvethly- Is twelvethly a word ??
Thirteenthly- Is Eleventhly a word ??
Fourteenthly- Smiling without moving your face because your facepack WILL crack is painful...
Fifteenthly- I had to ask if I could pee earlier today.
Sixteenthly- IT JUST AUTOSAVED !!
Seventeenthly- I think I rreeaallyy gotta go pee...
Eighteenthly- I have issues with spelling Eight...
Nineteenthly- I have to reach 2o before I will allow myself to run off and pee...
Twentythly- Now I know thats not a word...
Lastly- bbbyyyeee xXx