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Sometimes it is of the utmost importance to be completely honest with who you are, be it a psychotic weirdo or a boring bookworm. This is me, being both.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Tacitus, Nero and Agrippina

Section 1e- lines 16-20

nihil tam capax fortuitorum quam mare; et si
nothing so full accident as sea; and if
naufragio Agrippina intercepta sit quem adeo iniquum esse ut
shipwreck Agrippina kill in a who so unfair be that
scelus credat quod venti et fluctus deliquerint? additurum

crime believe which wind and wave commit? give
principem matri defunctae templum et aras et cetera

emperor mother dead temple alters and other
ostentandae pietati.
to his family devotion.

Nothing is so full of accidents as the sea, and if Agrippina were killed in a ship wreck would someone be so unfair that they would believe that the wind and waves had committed was a crime. The emperor would give for his dead mother a temple and alters and other things for showing the strength of his family devotion.

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