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Sometimes it is of the utmost importance to be completely honest with who you are, be it a psychotic weirdo or a boring bookworm. This is me, being both.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Cicero, ad Att. 5.1 "Letter to his friend Atticus"

nihi! vidi tam mite, nihil tam placidum quam meus frater illo die erat in
nothing! I have seen so mild, so gentle than my brother that day he was to
sororem tuam. si fuerat offensio ex ratione sumptus, non apparuit. postridie
sister your. if had been offence caused by calculation expenditure not apparent. on the next day
Arpino (profecti sumus) et prandimus in Arcano. humanissime Quintus.
Arpinum (we set out) and we had lunch in Arcanum. very considerately Quintus
'Pomponia' inquit 'tu invita mulieres, ego viros arcessam.' nihil potuit dulcius,
'Pomponia' says 'you invite women, I men summon.' nothing he was able to say more pleasant
non modo verbis sed etiam animo ac vultu. at illa, audientibus nobis, 'ego ipsa
nor only word but also character and expression. but she, hear us, 'I myself
sum' inquit 'hic hospita'- id ex hac causa, ut opinor, quod antecesserat
am' says 'here guest'- this from this reason that think because gone on ahead
Statius ut prandium nobis curaret! tum Quintus 'en' inquit mihi 'haec ego patior cotidie.'
Status to lunch for us take care of! with Quintus 'see' says me 'the things I put up with everyday.'
(hac) re ego ipse manopere motus sum; sic illa, absurde et aspere

(this event) I myself very much moved I was thus she absurdly and bitterly
verbis vultuque responderat. itaque discubimus omnes praeter illam. Quintus
words expression and replied. therefore recline at the table all except her. Quintus
ei aliquid de mensa misit, quod tamen illa reiecit. (quid multa?) nihil meo frater
her something from table sent, which however she refused. (what more?) nothing my brother
lenius, nihil asperius tua sorore mihi visum est; et multa similia praetereo.
more gentle, nothing more bitter your sister to me seemed; and many similar events passover.

I have seen nothing so mild, nothing so gentle (as) my brother was on that day to your sister. If there had been an offence caused by the calculation of her expenditure, it was not apparent. On the next day we set out from Arpinum and had lunch at Arcanum. Very considerately, Quintus said "Pomponia, you will invite the women, I will summon the men." He was able to say nothing more pleasant, not only in his words but also in his character and expression. But she, in earshot of us, said "I myself am a guest here"- it is for this reason that I think (she thought) this, because Statis had gone on ahead to take care of lunch for us! Then Quintus said to me "see the things I put up with everyday!" I myself was very much moved by this event; thus she replied harshly and bitterly in her words and expression. Therefore we all reclined at the table except her. Quintus sent her something from the table which, however she refused. Why say more? Nothing seemed to me more gentle than my brother, nothing more bitter than your sister; and I pass over many similar events.

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