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Sometimes it is of the utmost importance to be completely honest with who you are, be it a psychotic weirdo or a boring bookworm. This is me, being both.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Pliny, Letters 6.24

Faithful unto death

navigabam per Larium nostrum, cum amicus ostendit mihi villam
I was sailing through larius our when friendshow me house
atqueetiam cubiculum quod in lacum prominet: 'ex hoc' inquit 'olim
and also bedroom which lake stuck out 'out this' says 'once
femina quaedam cum marito se praecipitavit. maritus
a woman with husband themselves threw. husband
morbo affectus est. uxor eum oravit ut sibi permitteretur
severe illness affected is. wife beg so that allow
corpus inspicere; neque enim quemquam fidelius indicaturum num
body inspect not for anyone. more faithfully inform whether
posset sanari. vidit desperavit hortata est ut moreretur, comesque
he was able to be cured. saw despaired encouraged to die, companion and
ipsa mortis, dux immo et exemplum et neccessitas fuit; nam se cum
she herself in death, leader even and example and compulsion was;
marito ligavit abiecit in lacum'.
husband bind jump lake.

I was sailing across our lake Larius, when my friend showed to me a house
and also a bedroom which stuck out in the lake. He sais "from there, once
a certain woman threw herself with her husband.
Her husband was affected by a very serious illness.
His wife begged him that she could be allowed to inspect his body.
For not anyone would inform him more faithfully whether he was able to be cured.
She saw, she despaired, she encouraged him to die, and
she herself was his companion in death, the leader even and
the example and the compulsion; for she
fastened herself to her husband and jumped out into the lake'.

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