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Sometimes it is of the utmost importance to be completely honest with who you are, be it a psychotic weirdo or a boring bookworm. This is me, being both.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Tacitus, Nero and Agrippina

Section 1-a, lines 1-4

igitur Nero vitare secretos matris congressus; abscedentem
therefore Nero avoid secret mother meeting; going away
eam in hortos aut in agrum laudare quod otium caperet.
her in garden or in country praise because people sought
postremo praegravem eam esse ratus interficere constituit,
finally intollerable her to be think to kill decided
hactenus consultans utrum veneo an ferro vel qua vi.

only deliberating whether poison or sword or some other violence.

Therefore Nero avoided secret meeting with his mother; he praised her for going away into the gardens or into the countryside because he sought peace. At last, thinking her to be intolerable, he decided to kill (her), deliberating only whether by poison or by the sword or by some other violence.

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