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Sometimes it is of the utmost importance to be completely honest with who you are, be it a psychotic weirdo or a boring bookworm. This is me, being both.

Thursday 3 March 2011

Ovid, Ars Amatoria 1.469-478 "Advice to a rejected lover"

si non accipiet scriptum inlectumque remittet,
if not accept written unread and send back,
lecturam spera propositumque tene.
will read hope your proposal and hold onto.
tempore difficiles veniunt ad aratra iuvenci,
in time difficult come to the plough bullocks,
tempore lenta pati frena docentur equi.
in time unyeilding to accept reins be taught horses.
ferreus adsiduo consumitur anulus usu,
iron relentless eaten away ring use,
interit adsidua vomer aduncus humo.
ruined unrelenting plough share hooked earth.
quid magis est saxo durum, quid mollius unda?
what more is stone/rock hard, what soft/gentle wave?
dura tamen molli saxa cavantur aqua.
hard however soft stone/rock is hollowed out water
Penelopen ipsam, persta modo, tempore vinces:
Penelope herself stand firm now, in time win
capta vides sero Pergama, capta tamen.
capture see after a long time Pergamum, captured however.

If she will not acceptwhat you have written and sends it back unread,
hope she will read and hold onto yyour proposal,
In time difficult bullocks will come to the plough,
In time horses are taught to accept unyeilding reins.
An iron ring is eaten away by relentless use.
The hooked plough share is ruined by the soft water.
Stand firm now in time you will win penelope herself:
You see Pergamum captured after a long time, however captured.

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