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Sometimes it is of the utmost importance to be completely honest with who you are, be it a psychotic weirdo or a boring bookworm. This is me, being both.

Thursday 3 March 2011

Cil 1.2.1211 "Epitaph to Claudia"

Hospes, quod deico paullum est; asta ac pellege.
stranger, what say a small thing is stand and read it
heic est sepulcrum hau pulcrum, pulcrai feminae:
here is tomb by no means beautiful, beautiful woman
nomen paremtes nominarunt Claudiam,
name parents called Claudia
suom mareitum corde deilexit souo:
her husband heart she loved her
gnatos duos creavit: horum alterum
sons two she bore: of them one
in terra linquit, alium sub terra locat.
on the ground leaves, other under the ground places
sermone lepido, tum autem incessu commodo,
conversations charming, then also way of walks fine
domum servavit. lanam fecit. dixi. abei.
the house looked after. wool she made. I have spoken. go on your way.

Stranger, what I say is just a small thing; stand and read it through.
here is the by no means beautiful tomb, of a beautiful woman:
her parents called her Claudia
she loved her husband with her heart.
she bore two sons: one of them she leaves on the earth, the other she places under the ground.
with a charming conversation,then also a fine way of walking,
she looked after the house. She made wool. I have spoken. go on your way.

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